Welcome to the website of Orpheus Trust in Austria (1996-2006). Its successors' plattform is orpheus.news


Public Performances and Co-Productions

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Wednesday, May 3rd - Friday, May 5th, 2006
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien / Wiener Konzerthaus
International Conference
Face the Music
A Tribute to Persecuted Musicians and Suppressed Music in Totalitarian Regimes of 20th Century Europe
Conference with Concert Series
Platform Culture Central Europe, Project 2006

Organized by the Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the Foreign Ministries of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

In cooperation with:
Orpheus Trust Austria
University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna - Institute for Analysis, Theory and History of Music, Institute for Music Sociology

In association with:
Academic Forum for Foreign Affairs - AFA
Austrian Association for Foreign Policy and International Relations - ÖGA
Austrian League for Human Rights
Austrian Society for Exile Research- öge
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights
Music Information Center Austria- MICA
Österreichische Musikzeitschrift

Idea, Concept and Organization:
Waltraud Dennhardt-Herzog, Music Desk, Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Primavera Gruber, Orpheus Trust Austria


Opening Ceremony
Wednesday, May 3rd 2006, 8.00 p.m.
Wiener Konzerthaus, Schubertsaal, Lothringerstraße 20, 1030 Vienna

Welcome Address
Ambassador Emil Brix, Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Video Message
Vaclav Havel, Czech Republic

Vytautas Landsbergis, MEP, Lithuania
Barbara Zeisl Schoenberg, USA

Streichtrio Klangforum Wien
Jószef Koffler - String trio op. 10
Roman Haubenstock-Ramati - String Trio No.1, 'Ricercari'
Wolfgang Holzmair/ Russell Ryan - Songs by Eric Zeisl


Thursday, May 4th 2006
University of Music and Performing Arts, Fanny Hensel-Mendelssohn-Saal, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna

9.30 –
12.30 a.m. Lectures and Discussion
Music and Musicians Persecuted by National Socialism
Chair: Oliver Rathkolb, Austria

9.30-10.00 Welcome
Irmgard Bontinck, Vice-Chancellor University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Waltraud Dennhardt-Herzog, Austrian Ministry for Foreign Affairs

10.00-11.15 Lectures
Gerhard Scheit/ Primavera Gruber, Austria
Securing traces
Antoni Buchner, Poland
Two defeats - two victories. Music in Poland 1939-1989
Milan Slavicky, Czech Republic
Persecuted Music in the so called 'Protektorat Mähren und Böhmen' - Terezín Composers

11.15-11.45 Coffee

11.45-12.30 Round Table and Discussion
Péter Halász, Hungary
Zuzana Martinakova, Slovakia

12.30-1.00 Lunch

1.00-2.00 p.m.Open-air Concert in the University Courtyard
The Plastic People of the Universe, Czech Republic
Ferenc Sebö, Hungary

2.30 –
5.30 p.m. Lectures and Discussion
Music and Musicians Persecuted by Communism
Chair: Lothar Knessl, Austria

2.30-3.45 Lectures
Oskár Elschek, Slovakia
Arts, Politics and Totalitary Regimes in Central Europe
Ico Vidmar, Slovenia
Between the Manifest and the Latent: Ambiguities on the
Slovenian alternative music scene in the seventies and eighties
Tamás Szönyei, Hungary
Kept on File: The Secret Service's Activitiy against Rock Music in
Hungary 1960-1990

3.45-4.15 Tea

4.15-5.30 Round Table and Discussion Panel
Beata Boleslawska, Poland
Josef Rauvolf/ / Czech Republic
'Shakin´ the walls'- The Czech alternative and underground music during Communist regime and its role in its decomposition. With music examples .
Josef Vlcek, Czech Republic
Music styles on the Czech alternative scene, 1969-1989
Christian Glanz, Austria

6.00 –
7.00 p.m. Final Discussion with Witnesses of the Era and Experts
Chair: Günter Kaindlstorfer, Austria

8.00 p.m. Concert Joseph Haydn Saal
Silesia Quartet, Poland: Andrzej Panufnik, Alexandre Tansman
Eleonóra Skutová- Piano, Slovakia: Roman Berger, Vladimir Bokes, Peter Kolman, Ilja Zeljenka

Friday, May 5th 2006
University of Music and Performing Arts, Fanny Hensel-Mendelssohn-Saal, Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1, 1030 Vienna

9.00 a.m. Face the Music: Music and Persecution
How do we deal with it today?
Haide Tenner, Austrian Broadcasting Corporation
Peter Rantasa, Music Information Center Austria

9.30 a.m. Presentation
'European Platform for Music Suppressed by National Socialism'
Frank Harders-Wuthenow, Germany
Primavera Gruber, Austria

10.00 –
10.45 a.m. Workshops
Cooperation in the Fields of Research,
Concert Organization and Information Rendering
with Christoph Lieben-Seutter (tbc), Michael Wimmer (educult) and xy

11.00 –
12.00 a.m. Plenary Session
Resolution an a 'European Platform for Music Suppressed by National Socialism'
Chair: Philippe Olivier, France

3.00 p.m. Memorial Concert Joseph Haydn Saal

Hans Krása - Children's Opera Brundibár
Gumpoldskirchner Spatzen, Wiener Jeunesse Orchester
Conductor Herbert Böck
Stage director Nika Sommeregger

With Survivor Greta Klingsberg, Israel ('Aninka' in Terezin)


Admission free
Registration: office@orpheustrust.at



Eric (Erich) Zeisl




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